Tuesday, January 29, 2008

feb coming

february is coming. and this is the month with probably the most things happening (for me, at least).

first off is chinese new year. geez i dread chinese new year because i'll have to wear new clothes, look neat and presentable, visit relatives and long lost friends and not knowing what to say (besides asking for more beer and bak gua). one thing i realise is that i never really wear my CNY clothes. every year my mum would keep bugging me to buy new clothes.. and being the stingy fuck i am, i would just buy cheap ass clothes when i don't feel like shopping (and i'm cash-strapped at the moment). i could still remember the times when i spent 80% of my money on clothes and the other 20% on food. right now i think it would be 90% on equipment, 5% on food, and 5% on transportation.

next would be valentine's day.

and last would be my birthday. still having no idea on how to celebrate my birthday this year. every year i'd plan my own birthday. funny eh? just so freakin weird when i plan other people's birthdays and yet no one plans mine. i always had this 'dream birthday' for the past few months.. where i hold a private party at a venue, and invite my friend's bands over for a casual session, inviting anyone (think of it as a gig) who feels like coming, and free drinks would be provided i guess. but seeing the budget that i'm on right now, i couldn't even afford to sponsor the drinks!

so what's realistic right now? here are the few options:

1. go clubbing (im not a regular clubber so..........this is something unique for me? haha)

2. set up a gig, sacrifice my next targeted equipment and sponsor the booze!

3. another 'party' in my house. omg =\

4. picnic in the park with lots of booze

okay by looking at all the options, i could only make up one conclusion = i'm craving for alcohol

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